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Thank you to our generous supporters!


Annette Gosnell

Hannaford Charitable Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Osher

Dr. Harold L. Osher Family

$100,000 - $249,999

Bauman Family Foundation

Sam L. Cohen Foundation

Theresa Desfosses and Family

Joan R. Fink

Mickey Greene

Cathy Houlihan and Bo Norris

The Lennox Foundation

The Lunder Foundation - Peter and Paula Lunder Family

Norway Savings Bank

Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland

Saco & Biddeford Savings Charitable Foundation and P&C Insurance

Elmina B. Sewall Foundation

Smaha Family Charitable Fund

Spectrum Healthcare Partners

$50,000 - $99,999

Biddeford Savings

Sue and Bill Caron

Linda and John Coleman

Davis Family Foundation

Partners Bank

$25,000 - $49,999

Daryl J. Cady

Dead River Company

Joy and Roland Eon

Kennebunk Savings Bank

Holly and Art LeBlanc

Edward and Shirley McGeachey

Jane and Rich Petersen

Katherine S. Pope, M.D.

Bill and Bonnie Stoloski

Linda and Al Swallow

$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous (2)

Maryanna and Michael Arsenault

Baker Newman Noyes

Madeleine G. Corson

Melanie and Eliot Cutler

Fisher Charitable Foundation

John Herrick Gooch

Gorham Savings Bank

Nancy and Sam Ladd

Ellen Mayne

Betsey McCandless

Susan and Frank McGinty

Old Bug Light Charitable Foundation

Lynn C. Potoff

Marjorie B. Shaw

SMRT, Inc.

Mark and Deborah Tuller - Atlantic Comfort Systems, Inc.

David E. Warren

Nate Wilson and Tricia Gallagher

1,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (2)

Alfred Parish Church, U.C.C.

Beagle, Thomas & Ridge, LLC

Nancy and Michael Beebe

Mrs. Patricia A. Beville

Louise Boisvert

Michelle Bradbury

Elaine and John Brady

Michele Brierly

Wallace E. Camp

Kyra and Chris Chamberlain

Classic Flooring

Thomas M. Collins, M.D.

Chris Coon

Debbie and Brad Cushing

Marilyn S. Dashner

Linda and Rick Davis

Donna DeBlois

Beth Doty

Pamela L. Doyle

Douglas Dransfield

Dan Emery

Heidi and Ken Farber

Hugh and Betsey Farrington Fund

Melanie and Bob Feinberg

Nancy and Tony Forgione

Joanne and Roger Fortin

Heather and Rick Francis

Mary Frances and William Frank

Norma and Sam Fratoni

Albert B. Glickman Family Foundation

Jim Godbout

Mr. and Mrs. James Gorman, Sr.

Susan and Robert Gunter

Heidi N. Hansen

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care

David F. and Karen R. Haskell Fund

Dr. David and Karen Haskell

Haste Family Fund

Peter L. Haynes

Roger Hessenius and Family

Stephanie Hutchins

Claire and Richard Irish

Jacqueline and Bucky Johnson

Mark H. Jones

William S. Jose

Kennebunk Investment Services

Kozak & Gayer, P.A.

Janine and Richard Lamy

David M. Law

Miriam Leonard

Janet and Paul Letalien

Drs. Jo Linder and Samuel Solish

Littler Mendelson, PC

Mad River Foundation

Michelle Malo

Susan and Thomas Mason

Laura and Scott McCown

Maura McKenney

Barbara A. McManus

Nelson Mead Fund

Joy Mills and Arthur Benedict

Kevin Montminy

River, Daniel & Fernando Moreno

Tonda Olson

Ruby B. Parker

Partners Printing, Inc.

Nancy and Christopher Pezzullo

Mary T. Pinto and Steven A. Goldstein

Mary A. Pinto

Pamela Roberts

Ms. Kristi Robinson

Jane Sawyer

Marjorie Dugan Schoonover

Donnalee A. Sherburne

Greg Sweetser

Sally and Jim Toffey

Town & Country Federal Credit Union

Corning Townsend III

UNE College of Osteopathic Medicine / American Geriatric Society Student Chapter

Jessica Vickerson and Michael Abbatiello

Philip J. Villandry, M.D.

Stew Vreeland

Catherine Wallace

Verne and Tracey Weisberg

Joanne and Tom Wells

Judy and Paul Wolf


Anonymous (64)

Richard Abramson

Marie Aceto

Abigail Adams

Kim M. Adams

Glenna and David Ahearn

Carolyn R. Aller

Candace Alper

Carol Anderson

Jane Andrews

Dr. Robert and Mrs. Debra Andrews

Betts and C.D. Armstrong

Thomas M. Armstrong

Jennifer and Frederick Aronson

Janice K. Bailey

Barbara Baisley

Jonathan and Beverly Bangs

Danuta M. Barnard

Beverly BaRoss

Elwood M. Beach

Franklin Beckwith

Edward Belanger

Brad and Vicky Bell

Donald Benere

Mary Rachel F. Bernier

Anastasia Bertin

Betsy Ross House Residents Council

Mike and Joanne Binette

Ingrid Bischoff

Margit A. Black

Richard Black

William Bolduc

Elizabeth Bolton

Cynthia Boulay

Clay Bouton and Davine Grantz

Dale C. Bouton

Cathy B. Bowden

Elaine and Keith Brackett

Janice Brackett

Claire Brannigan

William Bray

Lisa Brenner

Anne Broderick

Richard D. Brooks

Deborah Brown

Mary Ann and Don Brown

Capt. Thomas F. and Susan C. Brown

Judith and Robert Brulotte

Dan and Dale Bryant

Delphine J. Budreau

Marie T. Burgie

Harriet Burke

Buxton Center Baptist Church

Jillian Byron

Sylvia Cable

Jacqueline S. Callan

Leon E. Cambridge

Bill Carland

Caron & Bletzer, PLLC

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Carroll

Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Carroll

Bill and Robin Carter

Family of Marie Cashin

Frank G. Casilio

Paul and Stephanie Castle

Charles Cate

Renier and Ann Chaintreuil

Charles Chalko and Irene Keeley

Maryellen Chiasson

Theodora Ciampa

C. M. Cimino, Inc.

Patricia Clark

Richard E. Clark

Dawn Clements

Nancy Codere

Maura and Dennis Colling

Carolyn and Chris Colpitts

Comfort Keepers #733

Roberta Conuel

Laura Cook

Priscilla "Dee" Cordeiro

Clyde Coscia

Jacqueline Cote

Denise E. Courtemanche

Raymond R. Croteau

Nancy E. Crowell

Geraldine M. Curlew

Barbara Cutting

Ken and Jean Davis

Charles de Sieyes and Carol Ward

Diane M. Denk

Mr. and Mrs. David DesJardins

David and Fern DiPietro

Jacqueline Douglass

Sherill and Gordon Dover

Eva Downs

Susan Dugovic

Laura Dunham

Josephine Durant

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Dwyer

EJD, Corp

Bill and Carol Ellis

Bonnie Emery

David J. Emery

Patricia and George Emery

Walter J. Eno

Gordon I. Erikson, Jr.

Olga Esty

F/V Shitpoke

John and Mary Ann Farmer

Ellen Faulkner

Delora Fearon

Helen Fecteau

David Ferland

Taffy and Eliot Field

First Congregational Church, UCC

Joan G. Fischer

Judith Fletcher

Fluent IMC

Douglas Jr. and Suzanne Foglio

Peter and Lenora Foley

Sara A. Foster

Thomas P. and Anita J. Fournier

Catharine A. Fox

Karen and Brian Fraser

David and Joyce Freeman

Marie Gambino

General Dynamics Employees' Community Action Council

Jade Gere

David and Karen Giansiracusa

Joseph Giso and Family

Bonnie Glynn

Alice M. Goodwin

Earl and Stasia Goodwin

Mary Googins

Valerie D. Greenberg

Doris M. Grover

Maureen M. Grubb

Gerald H. Guay

Mary Jane Guilcher

Rosemary Guptill

Frances C. Halamandaris

Carol-Ann Hall

Pauline Hall

William J. Halligan

Vietta Hamblen

Hanson Electric

Darren L. Harder

The Harnois Family

Daniel and Phyllis Hayes

James and Beverly Heald

Ed Heisler Giving Fund

Jill Hibyan

Hillcrest Retirement Community

Donna Hilton

Grace Hodge

Peggy Hoff

Children of Margaret T. Hollingsworth

Tim and Debra Honey

Scott L. Horton

Averill Huff

Julia Hugo Vidal

Charlie and Gemma Huntress

Mr. Stephen Hutchins

Kelly Ianno

I. Jane Isenberg

Romeo Jalbert

Richard Jewell

Bettie Johnson

Beverly C. Johnson

Ms. Cynthia D. Johnson

Mary and Bill Johnson

Pat Johnson

Sheila and Philip Jordan

William R. Judkins

Larry and Wendy Kane

Carol I. Kauffman

Richard R. Kelley

Robert Randall Kempton

Margaret and Jerry Kendall

John Kiernan

Elizabeth Kiley

Donald J. King

Claudia Kinnear

Nora Krevans

Michael and Gail LaBonty

Suzanne LaCroix

Linda Lamontagne

Monique LaRocque

Denise Le Moal

Deborah Morrissey

Bette Stone Lee and Pamela Stone Gaudet

Alphee and Judy Lefebvre

Nancy Legere

Richard and Nancy Lemieux

Pat and Dave Lennox

Robert Lightfoot and Sue Walker

Roy and Jacqueline Littlefield

Sarah Liziewski

Garry Amos Logan

Ellen S. Lohman

Kathy Lombard

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Luce, Jr.

K. C. MacArthur III and Susanne G. MacArthur

Bob MacArtney

Brenda MacDonald

Judith MacInnes

Carl J. Maddaleni

Joyce and Gordon Mailman

David M. Maloney

Paul M. Manganelli

Mort and Barbara Mather

Mary T. Maxwell

Robert E. McAfee, M.D.

Lynn and Theresa McCabe

Carol McCubrey

Robert McCubrey

Penny McGonagle

Pamela and Brent Mclaughlin

Geraldine Merrithew

Judith Meschinelli

Cheryl A. Miner

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Jr.

Conner and Wendy Moore

Marilyn Morais

Karen Moreau

Irene Morris

June Morris

Eliza Morrison

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mortimer

Joan Morton

Thomas M. Mouzas

Richard Mullen

Rita Mullins

Rev. Susan Murphy

Carolyn B. Murray

Drs. Donald and Martha Naber

Nappi Distributors

Leonard and Merle Nelson

New England Steel Fabricators, Inc.

Mrs. Helen L. Newton

Bill and Linda Nickerson

Donna, John and Emily Norman

North Dam LLC

James and Lisa O'Brien

Martha O'Brien

Peg O'Brien

ODonnell Family

Anne Ordway

Margaret F. Orelup

Cindy and Jim O'Rourke Charitable Fund

Michael G. Ott

Paula Peter

Thomas and Marian Peterson

Lin Peyton and Morris Hancock

Lydia A. Phillips

Eleanor and Robert Pierce

Barbara R. Pillsbury

Mark Pinkham and Ken Drew

Catherine Pinto

Tamara Pisani

Michael Pizzo and Marcia Trivellin

Marjorie Plummer

John J. Podolske

Chad E. Poitras Cremation & Funeral Service

Eva Polisner

Nettie Pollard

Mertie Porter

Aleta Prevatt

Michelle Przybylowicz

Purdy Powers & Company

Bob and Sandy Quentin

Robert W. Quinlan

R. M. Davis

Karen Reece and Mike Carvalho

Ann M. Reiman

Mrs. Sharon F. Renault

Jennifer Roberts

Carol and Craig Robinson

Judith M. Rowe

Saco Bay Rotary Foundation

Anthony Salamone

Susan Sanders and Nancy Wanderer

Nancy and Stephen Sawyer

Carol Schoneberg

Greg and Karen Searle

Sally Shaughnessy

Barbara and Peter Shaw

Daniel and Janet Shaw

Joseph Shortill

William Slavick

Donald W. Smith

Ellen and Donald B. Smith

Gordon and Tina Smith

Todd and Sarah Smith

Cary Sneider

M. Allene Snodderly

Caroline Southall

Nancy F. Spooner

Sarah Sprogell

St. David's Budget Box

Carol and Barbara Stasio

Susan Stavropoulos

Charlotte Steeves

Janet M. Steeves

Carol Steingart

James Steuernagle

Holmes and Didi Stockly

Meredith Strang Burgess

Nancy L. Struve

Judy Sweeney

Kristin G. Sweeney

Mrs. Betty A. Tacy

Debra G. Tardiff

Rachel and Raymond Tardif

Judith A. Taylor

Leona M. Thibault

Sumner Thompson

Timothy and Dierdre Thornton

Joan P. Tilney

James and Patricia Tobin

Paul and Colleen Toth

Trailblazers Family Club

Janet S. Tunis

Jay and Elise Ungar

Lee Urban in memory of Nan

Louis Vire

Jack and Rita Voss

Rebecca C. Waitley

Jeannette M. Wallace

Nancy Wanderer and Susan Sanders

Janet Waterman

Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Watson

Thomas L. Watt

Gloria R. Webel

William H. Webster

Susanne Wedge

Donna and Dale Wermenchuk

Norman and Eleanor Whitaker

Breda and David White

Nancy B. White

Jean V. Whitehurst

Wendy L. Whittemore

Angus Wilson

MaryLou Winslow

Lorel and Stan Wisniewski

Bert Wolf

Joan Wood

Lorraine D. Wood

Woodman Associates

Judy and Dave Woodman

Jeff and Ellen Worthing

Karen Wynne

Xuron Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Zilkha

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